Separating Truth from Hysteria: Monkeypox Test Kits Explained

Monkeypox has emerged as a global public health concern in 2022, with cases rising rapidly worldwide. To control outbreaks and manage cases, timely and accurate diagnosis using monkeypox virus test kits is essential. This blog provides a complete overview of monkeypox test kit types, their benefits, criteria for selection, and proper use.

Types of Monkeypox Test Kits

There are primarily two types of Monkeypox Virus Test Kits available in the market:

  • Serological Test Kits: These kits detect the presence of antibodies produced by the body in response to the Monkeypox virus. They are useful for identifying past infections or monitoring the immune response.
  • Molecular Test Kits: These kits detect the genetic material (DNA or RNA) of the Monkeypox virus. They are highly sensitive and specific, enabling early detection of the virus during the acute phase of the infection.

They can be also classified into :

  • PCR Tests: Gold standard tests that detect monkeypox DNA from swab samples using polymerase chain reaction technology, providing very high sensitivity and specificity.
  • Antigen Tests: Rapid immunodiagnostic tests that identify monkeypox antigens from lesion samples, giving quick results within 30 minutes on-site.
  • Antibody Tests: Help detect the presence of antibodies generated in response to monkeypox infection using blood samples. Indicate current/past infection.

Key Benefits of Monkeypox Testing

  1. Enable rapid isolation and contact tracing to curb further transmission.
  2. Allow prompt antiviral treatment initiation when required to reduce severity.
  3. Prevent misdiagnosis as other conditions like varicella zoster, herpes, syphilis etc.
  4. Monitor disease trends and outbreak patterns to target interventions.
  5. Allay patient anxiety and provide appropriate counseling with confirmed diagnosis.

Criteria for Selecting Test Kits

  1. Regulatory Approvals: Opt for CE-IVD/FDA EUA approved kits meeting stringent validation protocols.
  2. Analytical Performance: Review clinical sensitivity, specificity, limit of detection and accuracy metrics before procurement.
  3. Sample Types: Assess compatibility of the kit for lesion swabs, blood, urine etc. samples.
  4. Turnaround Time: Factor test durations from sample-to-result for PCR vs rapid antigen vs antibody tests.
  5. Storage: Ensure kit components remain stable under specified temperatures.
  6. Workflow: Evaluate staff skill requirements, instrumentation needs for seamless integration.

Protocols for Monkeypox Testing

  • Do necessary PPE for safe sample handling given the high infectivity.
  • Use only validated swabs and transport media to collect lesion specimens.
  • Follow kit-specific protocols for running the test and result interpretation.
  • Ensure QC checks and positive/negative controls are included in each test run.
  • Dispose of used kits as infectious medical waste. Decontaminate used equipment.
  • Report all positive cases to public health authorities immediately for outbreak monitoring.

Monkeypox test kits allow rapid diagnosis to limit transmission and enable timely care. Healthcare providers must evaluate analytical performance data, regulatory compliance, workflow fit and follow approved procedures for maximizing benefits. The continued expansion of testing capabilities globally will be key to counter monkeypox effectively.

How to Use

Each Monkeypox Virus Test Kit may have specific instructions, but here is a general overview of the testing process:

  • Collect the appropriate sample (blood, serum, or swab) from the patient following the recommended guidelines.
  • Prepare the sample as per the kit instructions, ensuring proper handling and storage.
  • Follow the kit instructions to perform the test, including adding reagents, incubation periods, and reading the results.
  • Interpret the test results based on the provided guidelines, considering both the control and test lines.
  • Document the results accurately and report them to the relevant healthcare authorities, if required.

Leading Manufacturers Of Monkeypox Virus Test Kits

Monkeypox Real-Time PCR Kit

Trivitron Healthcare‘s Monkeypox Real-Time PCR Kit enables rapid, accurate detection of monkeypox and smallpox viruses through an optimized single-step multiplex RT-PCR workflow. It precisely distinguishes between the two pathogens by utilizing four-color fluorescence channels, with each channel specifically indicating the presence of orthopox, monkeypox or smallpox virus in the tested sample. Validated extensively for high sensitivity and specificity, the PCR kit is proven to deliver reliable, timely results for confident diagnosis and monitoring of monkeypox infections.

Offering a fast 1 hour turnaround time, this PCR kit analyzes various sample types including dry swabs and swabs in VTM. The long shelf-life, compliance with global standards, and suitability for use on common PCR systems makes Trivitron’s solution an efficient, cost-effective option for monkeypox testing in laboratories and healthcare facilities across regions where the virus prevalence is increasing.


Monkeypox Virus Test Kits play a crucial role in the early detection and control of Monkeypox infections. By choosing the right kit based on sensitivity, ease of use, time to results, regulatory compliance, and cost-effectiveness, healthcare professionals can effectively manage and prevent the spread of this viral disease. Medzell, as a B2B platform, can provide access to reliable and high-quality Monkeypox Virus Test Kits, ensuring the safety and well-being of its users and their patients

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